Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Killing Spree continues...

Monsters of Atlantica, be warned, the DarkSide guild isn't taking prisoners. Yesterday we took out the trash in the Snake Shrine with ease. In preparation for an upcoming raid in the Valley of Oblivion, Wolff also led us on a Shoot n Loot there to gather Cube Shards for the stockpile. This will enable us to skip two rooms when we head in for a full run.

We saw the guild complete several guild crafts too, and two of our members reached milestone levels at 100. Congrats to TehVyperr and MatthewHewit.

This means we got to cross a goal off our list as we reached 6 members at level 100! That doesn't mean the rest of the guildies get to sit on our duffs. We're gonna keep encouraging you to push a little harder, fight a little longer, and kill a few extra. Can't let those monsters take over the place!

Persephina, congrats on your new house! We look forward to more parties at your expense LOL.

Now what are you doing here still reading? Get out there and shoot something!


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Knockin 'Em Dead

Yesterday we ran our first dungeon run with the new, much larger group. We were a little hesitant to take this ragtag mob of eager monster-shooters into Marksburg, but we couldn't resist it. So in we went. And with 3 minutes to spare, we killed every monster that dared cross our path and cleared the dungeon.

This was a great run, one we will be able to improve on as we only grow stronger at fighting as a team.

Looking forward to many more.

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Logo must Go Go

It has been brought to my attention that sushi is not EVERYONE's idea of what the DarkSide logo should be expressing. Something does seem a little fishy here, doesn't it?

Being that it IS my favorite food, I am not giving it up easily.
You will only have to smell this fishy logo until the guild hits level 85. How long that takes is up to the guild. I hope it takes a while because I truly love sushi.

We Just Got HUGE, Say Hi to Our New Members and Old Friends

You might have noticed the guild got bigger overnight. If you look closely, you may recognize the names of our new guildmates. Darkside is happy to now be home to the former members and leaders of the Dark Acolytes guild. Our combined strengths will open new opportunities for everyone. More people to play with at all levels, a few more high level players to team up with, and more fresh energy for everyone.

I hope you will all enjoy playing together. As always, please come to me or another officer with any concerns or questions. See you in the fights :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Congrats are in order! (News from DarkSide)

Event Winners:
I was checking out the winner lists from the Crafter's Anonymous events, and a couple of ya were WINNERS! Congrats to Psisis and DarkWolff, ya lucky and CRAFTY buggers! Wolff got 5 boxes from the Item Mall and Psisis is snagging some serious experience books, 5 of them worth 5 MILLION in experience a piece. Nicely done, DarkSide!

Current Event 200% Experience:
I know I haven't been updating as much lately. I have been busy FIGHTIN'! Trying to stay ahead is really tough when we have sooo many of you leveling like mad. Do you know it is 200% Experience all week? This is a GREAT time to fight and power level your main or some mercs. If you aren't fighting, you are missing a killer opportunity. That's all I can say about that.

New Dungeons We Fight In:
I also am so proud of everyone who is taking advantage of the times we open the higher level dungeons. When we open them, we are not EXPECTING that we will always beat them, but we love the loot or think it is going to be a good chance for some members to get a little practice in these dungeons that will come in handy when we go into them for more serious runs. We had fun in the Valley of Oblivion (VOO) and Marksburg Castle earlier this week, and we will be opening them more often now that you guys are getting leveled up. Please, feel free to join in these dungeons if you don't mind a little Kamikazi style fighting and are not afraid to die. The loot is a lot nicer than the Snake Shrine, and we tend to have a lotta fun making good money while we clobber stuff.

Guild Crafting:
The Guild Crafting tool is there for you to use. We have a few things we ask so we can better manage it and keep it rewarding for the guild and its members.
Please do not create crafts above a 20 million workload unless there is no possible way to split them up *high level armor on occasion is larger*.
  • We also ask that you not use the Building crafts as we do not have a town and everyone is fighting to make them without getting a useful skill raise. If you need to do crafts that are in that category, please talk to your leaders first.  We try not to hog it but also to keep it moving so the guild gets maximum skill raises all day.
  • Lastly, please try to be here fighting when your guild craft is up. It is dis-motivating to some of your guildmates if you start a craft that ties up the guild craft and then disappear for the day, especially if it is a large one. They know that their guild crafts won't get worked for a while and someone else who isn't here is getting the support. This is a way we all support one another, please keep that in mind. We might have other crafts waiting that are not loaded yet too to give as prizes or to raise the guild points we use to open more dungeons.
I'll be putting up some updates in my next post, as well as updating my Skill List below. Been crafting, watch out world :)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Crafting Skills Inventory

I have often wondered, what is the biggest thing we can craft as a guild. I know what my highest skills are, but it might be helpful to do an inventory of each of my skills... and for members of the guild to do it too.

This way we know who can start the guild crafts as an artisan, in case one of the leaders just isn't high enough in that particular skill yet. We are working on becoming GrandMasters of Everything, but in the meantime, we all have different strong points.

Here's my Skills Inventory.


Stationery  55  Magic Pen
Food  50  Traditional Korean Meal
Staff  46  Thoth's Staff
Medicine  45  Elixir IV
Spear  43  Gilgamesh Spear
Crystal  43  Redemption Soul Jewel
Bow  42  Gilgamesh Bow
Armor  42  Anu Warrior Heavy Armor
Tool  41  Titanium Ingot
Sword  40  Gilgamesh Sword
Axe  37  Gilgamesh Axe
Helmet  37  Anu Warrior Chain Helm
Cannon  36  Gilgamesh Cannon
Power Saw  36  Gilgamesh Power Saw
Instrument  33  Anu Warrior Instrument
Gauntlet  31  Blood Knight Chain Gauntlets
Shoes  31 Blood Knight Chain Boots
Gun  31  Blood Knight Rifle
Arrow  30  Enriched Adamantium Arrow
Accessory  30  Ring of Destruction
Pants  30  Blood Knight Leggings
License  23  Secrets of Time: Destiny of Marduk
Fishing  22  Thick Fishhook
Sewing  21  Colorful Thread
Shield  21  Blood Knight Shield
Action  21  Action: Autocraft III
Bullet  19  Enriched Bullet
Orb  18  Walachia Orb
Charm  16  Destroyer's Charm I
Mana Stone  16  Enhance Stone II
Machine  13  Maschine: Small Catapult
Cannonball  10  Flame Cannonball
Book  9  Book: Lightning Spear II
Scroll  8  Scroll of Dispel III

I will keep adding to my skills every day, I enjoy crafting, dismantling, analyzing, and watchng while my lists grow. Plus, a lot of the higher level crafts do pay off with a profit on the market. As I add to my skills, I will post an update.

Now, I challenge you, if you have skills that are higher levels than me, please let me know which ones and what level you are at. We need skilled artisans when we do guild crafts. They make a little gold to simply go in and hit the Start button on crafts too. Let me know if I can count on you as an artisan for the guild!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Whew, what a day!

This morning started out with our daily meeting at 7 AM PST as usual. After the meeting, we went to my house and had a tea party to get an extra buff for our guild dungeon run. Those who came to the tea party walked  out stronger and ready to run fast to the dungeon and kick some monster butt.
We headed into the dungeon with Crims, Psisis, GeoVilder, and myself. I wasn't sure we would make it. That's a small group of warriors for such a big task. Then from out of nowhere, Boory joined the fight. And when it still looked a little bleak on the 3rd floor, we cried out for the mighty Achilleus to come to our aid.
And we DID IT. We cleared the Snake Shrine with this craziness! It was a great time. We had a lot of hiccups along the way but we still succeeded in making a killing in loot doing a whole lot of killing.

I love the Snake Shrine. It's like Disneyland for some of us lol.
Some things I suggest after today's craziness:

If you plan to be in a dungeon run, attend the meeting beforehand. Don't show up right at the time of the dungeon, and really joining late is not to anyone's advantage.
Go to the teaparties, they really do make you stronger!
Make sure to have lots of healing options on hand, even resurrection scrolls, in case you lose a few mercs during a fight. A trip back to town with your whole party dead is no fun to come back from when the group is all the way up on the top floor. You miss a lot of the action :)
Lastly, appreciate people who are not able to come to the whole thing but can come in at the end anyway. They can totally change the fight from a scary one to a fun run. Thanks for jumping in and helping, Achilleus :) You rocked as usual.

Crims, Psi, you did great today at managing the meeting, killing in the dungeon, and showing some new folks how to do what it is we do. This game is so much more fun with friends.

Geo, way to go, you lived well and fought better than we had hoped for your first run! Awesome.

Boory, you didn't give up even when you had trouble getting in the door. Thank you!


Guild Office Stats 5:45 AM PST

Guild Points: 66,999 (gained 4874)Guild Level: 80
Guild Experience: 58,859,471 (gained 389,993) (next level in 624,263)
Guild Fund:   25,928,487 (gained 558,723) 26,445,137 (gained 516,650)
Maintenance Fee: (daily from Guild Fund) 60,250 gold
Guild Activity Points: 29,546 (today 1547)

Member Count 31/50